Phenotype: The brown gene affects scale color in drakes by controlling the size of pigment granules.
Drakes homozygous (b/b) for the recessive allele b have pigment granules that are reduced in size.
When scales are examined microscopically in cross section, pigment granules of normal size (B/*) appear black, while smaller pigment granules (b/b) appear brown.
Recessive alleles of the colorless gene are epistatic to brown; both c/c B/* and c/c b/b have translucent white scales.
In the absence of colorless, the brown gene produces the scale colors described below:
| B/* | b/b |
M/* D/* |
Steel | Copper |
| B/* | b/b |
m/m D/* |
Charcoal | Earth |
| B/* | b/b |
M/* d/d |
Argent | Gold |
| B/* | b/b |
m/m d/d |
Dust | Sand |
Phenotype Terms:
integument phenotype
pigmentation phenotype