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Heritable Phenotype: forelimbless

NomenclatureGenomic Location
NameforelimblessLinkage map80 cM
SpeciesDracomimus familiarisGenome Coordinatesunknown

Summary Information
Phenotype: The forelimbless gene affects the development of the forelimbs in drakes. Homozygotes (fl/fl) lack external forelimbs entirely. The skeleton of forelimbless drakes shows a vestigial ventral shoulder but no trace of limb bones. Selective breeding of the Swift Steel forelimbless breed demonstrated that an unknown number of modifier genes increases compensatory muscle development of the wing muscles, improving flight ability over wild type.


Phenotype Terms:
limb/digits/tail phenotype
skeleton phenotype

Alleles and Phenotypes
FlPresumptive wild-type allele
flrecessive allele
Fl/Flnormal forelimbs
Fl/flnormal forelimbs
fl/flforelimbs absent