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Heritable Phenotype: bog breath

NomenclatureGenomic Location
Namebog breathLinkage map22 cM
SpeciesDracomimus familiarisGenome Coordinatesunknown

Summary Information
Phenotype: Bog breath is an inherited disorder of metabolism in drakes. Drakes homozyogous (bog/bog) or hemizygous (bog/Y) for the recessive bog allele must be maintained on a special diet. Traditionally, in the Eastern Kingdom, the diet consists of rice, vegetables, sesame seeds, and herbs (the "Celestial Diet").

Any feeding of a conventional meal of meat and bones induces an episode of lethargy, seizures, and often coma, which is frequently fatal. The condition derives its name from the sharp odor of decay noted in the breath of drakes suffering from an episode of illness. Even drakes kept on the traditional diet will occasionally exhibit an episode if injured or suffering from infectious disease. Bog breath was the first inherited metabolic disease described in drakes.

Phenotype Terms:
metabolism phenotype
behavior/neurological phenotype

Alleles and Phenotypes
BogPresumptive wild-type allele
bogrecessive allele
Bog/BogNormal metabolism
Bog/bogNormal metabolism
bog/bogbog breath
Bog/YNormal metabolism
bog/Ybog breath