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Heritable Phenotype: scale rot

NomenclatureGenomic Location
Namescale rotLinkage map5 cM
SpeciesDracomimus familiarisGenome Coordinatesunknown

Summary Information
Phenotype: Scale rot is an inherited disorder of metabolism in drakes. Drakes homozygous for the recessive scale rot allele (scr/scr) typically exhibit symptoms at the time of maturity. The disease gets its name from scale loss, one of the classic symptoms. In addition to scale loss, symptoms include open lesions around the mouth, inflammation of the eyes, and ataxia.

Biochemically, drakes with scale rot exhibit lactic acidosis and waste excretion of 3-hydroxyisovaleric acid, 3-methylcrotonylglycine, 3-hydroxypropionic acid, and methylcitric acid. The symptoms of scale rot resemble those of drakes fed an excess of powdered egg white, which contains avidin, a biotin-binding protein. Treatment of scr/scr drakes with oral biotin supplementation to reach plasma concentrations of at least 20 mg/dl completely reverses the symptoms.

The symptoms of scale rot resemble those of stumblepox, but the diseases are genetically distinct.

Phenotype Terms:
behavior/neurological phenotype
integument phenotype
metabolism phenotype

Alleles and Phenotypes
ScrPresumptive wild-type allele
scrRecessive allele
scr/scrScale rot