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Heritable Phenotypes Associated with Gene Models

The report Heritable Alleles Associated with Gene Models contains all Heritable Alleles in Geniverse, associated with the appropriate Gene Model.

This is a resource for developers that will not be seen by student users. Students will merge Heritable Phenotypes with Gene Models by constructing arguments from evidence acquired by sequencing mutant alleles.

Sorted by: DracoBase ID#
1 colorless Tyr Anole
2 Metallic Asip Chicken
3 brown Tyrp1 Anole
4 dilute Myo5a Anole
5 tail Dll3 Anole
6 wingless Wnt1 Anole
7 Hornless Csf1 Anole
8 forelimbless Fgf10 Zebrafish
9 hindlimbless Pitx1 Stickleback
10 Armor Edar Anole
11 bog breath Otc Anole
12 transformer Ar Anole
13 rostral horn HoxA1 Anole
19 wasting disease Slc22A5 Anole
20 scale rot Hlcs Anole
27 stumblepox Btd Anole
28 gasping sickness Mmaa Anole
30 shaking sickness Mlycd Zebrafish
32 flightless Cpt2 Anole
33 dancer Slc25a15 Zebrafish
126 Stumpy Brac Anole